“What if I Reach My 70s and Still Haven’t Managed to Write?”

A scary morning thought

Ruby Peethambaran
2 min readDec 5, 2023
Author in her favourite setting — not yet 70 :)

I have been journaling since 2017. From 2018, I have approached it with a lot of discipline. In the initial years, I have written for days without a break.

While it is easy for me to write, it is still tremendously difficult for me to publish anything that I write.

“Inspired” pieces come out now and then. But daily, committed action to publish? Nopes. Not even at any regular intervals. If you look at my medium pattern, I have gone for years without publishing anything.

A scary thought…

…hit my head this morning. What if I go through life never doing justice to this “wish” to write for an audience? Never nurturing this dream?

What if I reach my 70s or 80s and look back on this life with regret that I was so worried about being great that I never even tried?

Does it matter whether I write great articles that inspire and encourage people OR great stories that entertain people? All that will matter is that I never tried, in this fear of being good or great.

I am a lot of things. May be even a coward at times. But I have never been someone who is not honest with myself.

This is not how I want to live my life.

What have I been doing wrong?

I am big on planning. I do tonnes of research.


Because that gives me an excuse to indulge in a fantasy without really doing anything about it.

Due to this “planning” I have read 100s of articles on systems and processes and motivation-to-write.

Unfortunately, that also gave me reasons to postpone the act of publishing.

I mean, I don't have a pipeline yet. I don't know my niche. I don't even have time every day to indulge in “free flow” writing.

I had stopped listening to my inner voice because it was so crowded by the voices outside.

I have been staying away from what I love because I needed to be good.


I am doing this for myself. And I need to first be fair to myself.

So this is me tackling my fear of publishing, head-on!



Ruby Peethambaran

Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, blogger, armchair activist whose life goal is to be a good human being